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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lundi: Sciences Économiques et Sociale, Français, Anglais, Mathématiques, Histoire-Géographie
Mardi: Français, Maths, Math Option, Anglais, DNL, Allemand, Atelier
Mercredi: Sciences Économiques et Sociale, et Biologie 

Monday was the toughest day so far, knowing that you're going to go to a French school is so different than actually going there. It's weird to hear the conversation around you but not really understand what's going on. Everything seems to be spoken so fast. It's going to take some time to get used to but that's normal. As you can see, Wednesday only has two classes and the first class doesn't start until 9:05; there's 2 hours of SES and 1 1/2 hours of Biology. After that, we get to go home :)


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