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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Almost Finished!

Sorry we haven't blogged in awhile; once you're here you tend to forget some things.

Well we have been here for almost 6 full weeks and the time seems to have flown by. We're ready to go home though.
This week has been the most eventful so far and it's all because of our friends, the British. A group of students from England came for a week exchange and they sadly leave tomorrow morning. They arrived last Thursday and to welcome them, the school hosted a wine and cheese party on Friday.
Tuesday was a good day because we went to La Rochelle. We took the train in the morning and went on a walking tour of the town. For lunch we went to a bakery and got some sandwiches and went down to the beach to eat lunch. The weather was a bit chilly but it wasn't too bad when the wind was down and the sun was shining :) After lunch we were given free time to do some shopping and then before we walked back to the train we went to this awesome ice cream shop where they had a bunch of different flavors. My flavors of choice: cara'sel (salted caramel) et chocolat noir :) Haley's: tiramisu et chocolat brownie, also good :)

Today we went to this place, I don't think anyone actually told us the name of it, but it was a little river and we went on a boat ride down it. It was really relaxing and the scenery was beautiful. When we got back to land we went to a crêperie and got, naturally, some crêpes. Overall the past couple days have been pretty good.
We just have one more day of school left and then on Friday we're going to Paris, which is neat in and of itself, but even more special to me because I will be spending my 18th birthday there. How many people can say that they've had the opportunity to spend their birthday in Paris? I am truly blessed :)

Well that's all I've got for now, we come home in 3 days! Woohoo!!  (However I think I shall miss this beautiful country)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have had an awesome time Lauren! Happy Birthday today!! Emily and I can't make it Sunday, she has a game will be anxious to talk to you sometime and see pictures.

    Have a safe trip home.
